【同义词辨析】 2018-10-30 可笑laughable-funny

laughable: applies to anything that occasions laughter whether intentionally or unintentionally: her attempts at roller-skating is ~.

ludicrous: suggests absurdity or preposterousness that excites both laughter and scorn and sometimes pity: a spy thriller with a ~ plot.  (absurd荒谬荒唐implies something that is not logical, or doesn't make sense,如your claim is quite absurd你的要求很荒谬) (preposterous不合理荒谬unreasonable,pre词根表示前,post表示后,字面意思是前后错乱,如the whole idea was preposterous整个想法都很荒谬)

ridiculous: suggests extreme absurdity, foolishness, or contemptibility: a ~ portrayal of wartime battle.

comic: applies especially to that which arouses thoughtful or wry amusement: Falstaff is one of Shakespeare's great ~ characters. (wry两个意思,1反讽的, 2既想哭又想笑,既哭笑不得苦笑)

comical: applies to that which arouses unrestrained spontaneous hilarity: his ~ appearance would have tested a saint.

risible: connotes that which causes laughter or is funny: a ~ account of their mishap.

droll: suggests laughable qualities arising from oddity, quaintness, or deliberate waggishness: amused us with ~ stories of questionable veracity.   (waggish戏谑开玩笑joking, not serious,如a waggish disposition that often got him into trouble as a child小时候因为喜欢戏谑开玩笑,经常惹麻烦) (verity事实veracity"尊重"事实或"符合"事实, 如a politician not known for his veracity一个不诚实的政客)

funny: interchangeable with any of the other terms, may suggest curiousness or strangeness as the basis of a laughable quality: had a ~ feeling about the whole encounter.

laughable可笑: 泛指让人发笑,无论有意或无意,ludicrous荒唐: 荒唐不合逻辑,让人既可笑可鄙可怜,ridiculous极度荒唐: 极度荒唐愚昧可鄙,comic喜剧的: 通过反讽供人娱乐,或同时让人思考,comical引人大笑: 让人禁不住捧腹大笑(hilarity大声欢笑喧闹),risible有趣可笑: 仅表示有趣可笑(funny,laughable),无褒贬意涵,droll怪诞诙谐: 怪诞(odd,quaint)或故意戏谑,funny有趣: 可替换其它词,表示由于好奇奇怪而想笑。

记忆方法: 1)首字母LLRCCRDF左左右右处处地方<==都有可笑的事

        2)可笑的意思是引人发笑mean provoking laughter or mirth.   mirth欢乐笑声